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Dying to be Thin

Andrea Katz-Evans, Me on Any Given Day, 1998
Share Your Story
Note: We are no longer accepting submissions, but we encourage you to peruse the stories already posted at the bottom of this page.

In December 2000, we invited readers of this Web site to share their experiences with anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder, in the hope that their candor and insights would help people currently suffering from an eating disorder take the first steps toward recovery. We had an overwhelming response, and those stories are posted below. Please note we are not accepting any new stories.

Set #6, posted December 20, 2000

"What I have gone through and what I am still going through does not fit quite well with any of the textbook symptoms..."

Set #5, posted December 18, 2000

"I'm a textbook bulimic. I've binged, purged, and fasted for years. Throughout childhood I was always a bit overweight. Classmates would make fun of me..."

Set #4, posted December 14, 2000

"I remember standing in front of the mirror as a small five-year-old child, thinking that I was far too heavy. I started to diet when I was six..."

Set #3, posted December 13, 2000

"I had an eating disorder with severe bulimia for eight years. Four of those years I spent in recovery. It was very hard work but..."

Set #2, posted December 12, 2000

"Hello, my name is Julie. I come from a loving, supportive, and open family. Yet I struggle with anorexia. My battle began with a healthy drive for success..."

Set #1, posted December 6, 2000

"Hello, my name is Rein. I am 16 and have been battling anorexia nervosa for four years. Although I have had an ED (eating disorder) for that time, I have had problems with my body since I was..."

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Andrea Katz-Evans is an artist and high school art teacher. Her work spans a range of media, including video, textiles, and crafts and addresses issues of women and body image. She lives on Long Island, New York.

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