Hunting the Edge of Space
Web site credits

Web Site Credits

Lauren Aguirre, Executive Editor
Kristine Allington, Project Coordinator
Darcy Forlenza, Editorial Assistant
Dan Hart, Developer
Jon Hayward, Designer
Tyler Howe, Senior Designer
Pamela King, Intern
Alan Kwan, Developer
David Levin, Associate Editor
Susan K. Lewis, Senior Editor
Ben Livermore, Developer
Melissa Salpietra, Managing Editor
Peter Tyson, Editor in Chief
Rachel VanCott, Editorial Assistant

Image Credits
Hunting the Edge of Space homepage
Images: (star trails) Courtesy Elke Shulz/NASA; (Keck Interferometer) Courtesy NASA/JPL

Giant Telescopes of Tomorrow
Images: (James Webb Space Telescope) Courtesy NASA; (Giant Magellan Telescope) Courtesy GMT; (Thirty Meter Telescope) Courtesy TMT Observatory Corporation; (European Extremely Large Telescope) Courtesy ESO; (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope) LSST Corporation; (Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array) Courtesy ALMA; (Low Frequency Array) Courtesy ASTRON; (Square Kilometer Array) Courtesy Swinburne Astronomy Productions and SKA

How Hubble Sees
Images: (all) Courtesy of Jeff Hester

Two Types of Telescopes
Images: (Telescope) © Corbis Images; (Illustrations) © WGBH/NOVA

Catalogue of the Cosmos
Images: (asteroid, Earth, elliptical galaxy, globular cluster, Milky Way) Courtesy NASA; (binary star system) Courtesy NASA, Susan Terebey/Extrasolar Research Corp.; (black hole) Courtesy Karl Gebhardt/University of Michigan, Tod Lauer/NOAO; (blue straggler) Courtesy NASA, Rex Saffer/Villanova University and Dave Zurek/STScI; (comet) Courtesy NASA, H.A. Weaver/Applied Research Corp., P.D. Feldman/The Johns Hopkins University; (galaxy) Courtesy NASA, Hubble Heritage Team/STScI/AURA, G.R. Meurer and T.M. Heckman/The Johns Hopkins University, C. Leitherer, J. Harris and D. Calzetti/STScI, M. Sirianni/ The Johns Hopkins University; (gamma-ray burst, nebula) Courtesy NASA, S.R. Kulkarni and S.G. Djorgovski/Caltech, Caltech GRB Team; (magellanic clouds, spiral galaxy) Courtesy Hubble Heritage Team/AURA/STScI/NASA; (neutron star) Courtesy NASA, Fred Walter/State University of New York at Stony Brook; (Orion Nebula) Courtesy NASA, Hubble Heritage Team/STScI; (planetary nebula) Courtesy NASA, J.P. Harrington and K.J. Borkowski/University of Maryland; (quasar) Courtesy NASA, John Bahcall/Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton; (supernova) Courtesy Chung Shing Jason Pun/NASA/GCFC, Robert P. Kirshner/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; (white dwarf) Courtesy NASA, Harvey Richer/University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Hunt for Alien Earths
Images: (green planet) © istockphoto/James Thew

Black Holes Explained
Images: (Gregory Benford) Courtesy Gregory Benford; (Roger Blandford) Courtesy Roger Blandford; (David Brin) Courtesy David Brin; (Reinhard Genzel) Courtesy Reinhard Genzel; (Andrea Ghez) Courtesy Andrea Ghez; (Andrew Hamilton) Courtesy Andrew Hamilton; (Brian McNamara) Courtesy Brian McNamara; (Mark Morris) Courtesy Mark Morris; (Steve Ritz) Courtesy Steve Ritz; (Kip Thorne) Courtesy Caltech; (Neil deGrasse Tyson) © NOVA/WGBH Educational Foundation

TV Program Description
Image: (Keck's laser) Courtesy Laurie Hatch/Swinburne University of Technology

Program credits

TV Program Credits

Directed by
Oliver Twinch
Peter Jones

Telescript by
Oliver Twinch
David Axelrod

Story by
Peter Jones
Richard Hudson
David Axelrod

Executive Producers
Kate Botting
Richard Hudson

Produced by
Oliver Twinch
David Axelrod

Paul Burgess

Narrated by
Jay O. Sanders

Associate Producer
Calum Walker

Duncan Bonner
Dan Maxwell
Steven Deproost
Chloe Lucas
Andrew Morris
Sam Spurgeon
Martin Whatley
Dan Winter

Edited by
Mairin O'Faolain
Paul Burgess
Robert Hutchings
Dan Wolfmeyer
Nigel Ashcroft

Audio Mix
Mitch Griffin

Brian McDairmant
Michael Phillips
Frazer Bradshaw
Simon Fanthorpe
Erich Roland

Assistant Camera
Steven Cassidy

Sound Recordists
Joe Demko
Dwayne Dell
Lisa K. Johnson
Keith Rodgerson

Joel Douek
Greg Pliska

Fluid Pictures Limited
Minnesota Planetarium Society

Senior Production Manager
Jennie Reedquist

Production Managers
Carrie Pennifer
Fiona Marsh
Carey Ann Strelecki

Production Coordinators
Andy Zare
Elena Wong
Leanne Hemmings

Art Director
Sam Pine

Location Managers
Sam Spurgeon (UK)
Gabriella Belloni (Italy)

Doug French
Anne Lillburn

Costume Dressers
Jacqui Jones
Mark Foster
Jill Blundell

Hair/Make Up
Lori Lee

Make Up Assistant
Colin Wyatt
Valerie Hetherington

Specialist Props
Michael Tucker
Ian Humphries

Helen Shackleton

John Tinney

Smoke and Wind
Mark Turner

Colin Holloway
Gary Owen

Lighting Tower
John Hudson

Assistant Director
Tony Sherborne

Doug French
Anne Lillburn
Victoria Stable
Valerie Heatherington
Hugo Mander

Post Production Producer
Ted Hinck

Senior Operations Manager
Robert Sturm

Robert Hutchings

Post Production Online Editor
Ezra Gold

Assistant Editor
Edward Harber

Assistant Producers
Imogen Haigh
Cully Gallagher
Stephanie Mosher

Albert Van Helden
Richard Tresch Feinberg
Steve Maran
Lawrence Rudnick
William Sheehan
Joel Halvorson
Paul Murdin

Archival Material
AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
Caltech Archives
Carnegie Observatories
David Rose Collection
Gemini Observatory
Getty Images
Giant Magellan Telescope - Carnegie Observatories
Goddard SpaceCenter/NASA
Huntington Library
IMSS, Florence, Italy
Interstellar Studios
Kirk Pu'uohau-Pummill/Gemini Observatory
Larry Webster Collection
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology
Margaret Harwood/AIP/ESVA
Mason Productions Inc.
Max Planck Society
National Library, Florence, Italy
National Radio Astronomy Observatory/NASA
Paris Observatory
Science Photo Library
Simon Carroll Archive
University of Wisconsin
W.M Keck Observatory

Special Thanks
All Saints Church, Easter Compton, England
American Astronomical Society
Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico
Birr Castle Demesne, Ireland
Bristol University & Foundry
California Institute of Technology
Carnegie Observatories
Church Farm, Easter Compton, England
City of San Jose
Erik le Groen
Herschel Museum, Bath, England
Iford Manor, Wiltshire, England
Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence, Italy
Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
Johns Hopkins University
Large Binocular Telescope Observatory, Arizona
Michael Brett
Michael Tabb
National Academy of Sciences
Orion Telescopes
Pamela Gay, Southern Illinois University
Royal Observatory Greenwich
Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum
Space Telescope Science Institute
The Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
The Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
University of Arizona, Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory
University of CA, Berkeley
William Parsons, 7th Earl of Rosse
Yerkes Observatory

Head of Production, Brook Lapping
Andrew Mckerlie

Vice President of Program Production, TPT
Gerald Richman


NOVA Series Graphics
yU + co.

NOVA Theme Music
Walter Werzowa
John Luker
Musikvergnuegen, Inc.

Additional NOVA Theme Music
Ray Loring
Rob Morsberger

Closed Captioning
Armour Captioning

Carole McFall
Eileen Campion
Victoria Louie
Karen Laverty

Steve Sears

Kate Becker

Production Coordinator
Linda Callahan

Sarah Erlandson

Talent Relations
Scott Kardel, Esq.
Janice Flood

Legal Counsel
Susan Rosen

Production Assistant
Ryan Murdock

Post Production Assistant
Darcy Forlenza

Associate Producer, Post Production
Patrick Carey

Post Production Supervisor
Regina O'Toole

Post Production Editor
Rebecca Nieto

Post Production Manager
Nathan Gunner

Compliance Manager
Linzy Emery

Development Producer
Pamela Rosenstein

Supervising Producer
Stephen Sweigart

Business Manager
Joseph P. Tracy

Senior Producer and Project Director
Lisa Mirowitz

Coordinating Producer
Laurie Cahalane

Senior Science Editor
Evan Hadingham

Senior Series Producer
Melanie Wallace

Executive Producer
Howard Swartz

Managing Director
Alan Ritsko

Senior Executive Producer
Paula S. Apsell


A NOVA production by Brook Lapping Productions and TPT National Productions, in association with Green Umbrella Films, LLC

© 2010 WGBH Educational Foundation and Twin Cities Public Television, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

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© | Created March 2010