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Profile: Judah Folkman

Profile: Judah Folkman

Once scorned for his ideas about how cancer grows, the late Judah Folkman is now hailed as a visionary.

arrow Driven by Imagination

In this conversation, Folkman talks about riding the "fine line between persistence and obstinacy," and much more. See highlights or read the full interview.

arrow Angiogenesis Explained

See step-by-step how cancerous tumors recruit their own blood supply in order to grow, and how this process might be stopped.

arrow Ask the Expert

Two of Folkman's colleagues at Children's Hospital Boston, Marsha Moses and Robert D'Amato, answer viewer questions.

arrow Asking Big Questions

Listen in as Folkman recounts an unforgettable lesson he learned from a high school chemistry teacher.

arrow Relates Science News

Find recent stories on cancer research.