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July 30, 2007: Links & Books

Phoenix Mars Lander


NASA: Phoenix
Learn more about the Phoenix Lander's instruments and see recent images from Mars at this rich NASA site.

Phoenix Mars Mission
View a daily blog from researchers and students working on the Phoenix mission and read recent Phoenix news at this University of Arizona site.

NASA: Mars Exploration Program
This offering from NASA provides information on past Mars missions and a look at the influence the Red Planet has had on popular culture.

Google Mars
See infrared, elevation, and photographic maps of the martian surface.

NewsHour: Mars Exploration Rovers
For a teacher's guide, slide show, and more information on the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity, check out this PBS site.

NOVA: Mars
This companion site to two NOVA programs—"MARS Dead or Alive" and "Welcome to Mars"—offers interactive features, including a clickable anatomy of a rover and an audio slide show of discoveries narrated by lead scientist Steve Squyres.


Mars: An Introduction to its Interior, Surface and Atmosphere
by Nadine Barlow. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

The Surface of Mars
by Michael Carr. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Water and the Search for Life on Mars
by David Harland. Praxis, 2005.


"Imagination Takes Flight to Mars"
by Dan Vergano. USA Today, July 21, 2008.

"Mars Phoenix Rasp Shreds Tough Martian Ice"
by Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides. Wired, July 18, 2008.

"Waiting for the Martian Bake-off"
by Eric Hand. Nature, July 18, 2008.

"Mars Lander Stymied by Ice; Like 'Scraping a Sidewalk'"
by Brian Handwerk. National Geographic, July 11, 2008.

Brain Trauma


Brain Trauma Foundation
Find out more about the work of Jam Ghajar and his colleagues on this site, and view a fact sheet about the millions of Americans affected by brain injuries.

Center for Cognitive Medicine
This University of Illinois at Chicago site offers more information about the brain trauma research conducted by Marilyn Kraus and Deborah Little, along with resources for finding doctors and more.

Medline Plus: Head and Brain Injuries
Learn about the symptoms, treatment, and physiology of brain trauma.

National Institutes of Health: Traumatic Brain Injury
See an overview of the causes and communication problems associated with brain trauma.

Independent Lens: Traumatic Brain Injury
This companion page to the PBS film "The Loss of Nameless Things" offers some quick facts about TBI and resources for further research.

PBS: The Secret Life of the Brain
This page provides a look at the way our brains change from infancy through adulthood, plus a 3-D tour of the brain's anatomy, optical illusions, and more.


Head Cases: Stories of Brain Injury and Its Aftermath
by Michael Paul Mason. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2008.

Brain Injury Survivor's Guide
by Beth and Larry Jameson. Outskirts Press, 2007.

Traumatic Brain Injury: Rehabilitative Treatment and Case Management
edited by Mark Ashley. CRC Press, 2004.

Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury
edited by Stuart Yudofsky, Jonathan Silver, and Thomas McAllister. American Psychiatric, 2004.

Neurotrauma: Evidence-Based Answers to Common Questions
by Donald Becker, Alex Valadka et al. Thieme, 2004.


"Nutritional Support Linked to Lower Brain Trauma Mortality"
by Charles Bankhead. Medpage Today, July 2, 2008.

"Cellular 'Puncture Repair Kit' May Minimize Brain Trauma"
by Lucas Laursen. Nature, June 30, 2008.

"Stress and Coping Among Families of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury"
by S. Verhaeghe, T. Defloor, and M. Grypdonck. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol. 14, Issue 8, 1004-1012, 2005.

"Eye-Target Synchronization in Mild Traumatic Brain Injured Patients"
by R. Contreras, Jamshid Ghajar et al. J Biological Physics, 2008.

Mammoth Mystery


Clash of the Mammoths
Check out this page from the Trailside Museum of Natural History in Crawford, Nebraska, where the entwined bull mammoth skeletons are displayed.

Ashfall Fossil Beds
Find out more information about the field site where the mysterious mammoth skeletons were found on this page from the University of Nebraska State Museum. Learn more about Mike Voorhies' work with these and many other Ice Age animals.

The Mammoth Site
This site is dedicated to a Columbian mammoth excavation site in Hot Springs, South Dakota, where volunteers can help excavate mammoths through the Earthwatch Institute. Take a virtual tour of the Mammoth Site museum and find out about its education efforts.

About Mammoths
Explore this fact sheet on mammoths and learn about their evolution.

Yukagir Mammoth
This Web site provides more information on the Russian Yukagir mammoth remains referenced in the NOVA scienceNOW interactive feature A Mammoth Waste of Time.


Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age
by Adrian Lister and Paul Bahn. University of California Press, 2007.

Twilight of the Mammoths: Ice Age Extinctions and the Rewilding of America
by Paul Martin. University of California Press, 2005.

Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids: 60 Million Years of Mammalian Evolution in Europe
by Jordi Agusti and Mauricio Anton. Columbia University Press, 2003.

The Fate of the Mammoth: Fossils, Myth, and History
by Claudine Cohen. University of Chicago Press, 2002.


"A Mammoth Death Match Preserved for the Ages"
by Sarah McCammon, NPR, January 26, 2006.

"The Mammoth Story"
by Grant Keddie. Royal British Art Museum online.

"Milwaukee Museum Unveils Woolly Mammoth Skeleton"
by Dinesh Ramde. Associated Press, July 9, 2008.

Profile: Judah Folkman


Remembering Judah Folkman

The Children's Hospital Boston hosts this memorial page to visionary cancer researcher Judah Folkman, including a biography, video interviews, photos, and more.

The Angiogenesis Foundation
Review a detailed explanation of angiogenesis and view a time line of advances in this research field.

How Cancer Grows and Spreads

This interactive Web page provides a look at the process of cancer growth and information on the research of Marsha Moses and Bruce Zetter at Children's Hospital Boston.

The National Cancer Institute
Learn about the different types of cancer, clinical trials available, and treatment options at this Web site from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

The American Cancer Society
See recent news about cancer research, read stories of hope from survivors, help fundraising efforts through the Relay for Life, and more.

Medline Plus: Cancer
For an overview of cancer topics, from diagnosis to treatment, and medical terms, see this site offered by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

NOVA: Cancer Warrior
On this companion page to the NOVA program "Cancer Warrior," watch the show, see the spread of cancer caught on tape during lab experiments, read about major medical discoveries that occurred accidentally, and more.


Angiogenesis: An Integrative Approach from Science to Medicine
by William Figg and Judah Folkman. Springer, 2008.

Dr. Folkman's War: Angiogenesis and the Struggle to Defeat Cancer
by Robert Cooke. Kindle, 2001.


"Costly Cancer Drug Offers Hope, But Also a Dilemma"
by Gina Kolata and Andrew Pollack. New York Times, July 6, 2008.

"Accidental Fungus Leads to Promising Cancer Drug"
by Maggie Fox. Reuters, June 29, 2008.

"Angiogenesis: An Organizing Principle for Drug Discovery"
by Judah Folkman. Nature, April 2007.

"A Dipstick Test for Breast Cancer?"
by Nancy Fliesler. Dream Online, Spring 2005.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation, a cofunder of this site.