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Orchid Hunter

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Vanda coerulea

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Vanda coerulea Introduction Vanda coerulea Stanhopea wardii Catasetum pileatum Tolumnia bahamensis Phalaenopsis Taisuco Kochidan Masdevallia ignea Brassia rex Himantoglossium hircinum Laelia purpurata Aerides odorata Spathoglottis plicata Schomburgkia splendida Dendrobium stratiotes Phragmepedium caudatum Coelogyne massangeana

Native to high elevations in northeast India, China, Burma, and Thailand, Vanda coerulea is prized for its flowers' rich blue, a color rare among cultivated orchids. Wild populations of this orchid are almost nonexistent today because local growers have overharvested them for the international horticulture trade.

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