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Institut für Anatomie's "The Iceman"
This site from gives a concise description of the finding, storage and examination of the Iceman.

The Mountain Institute
This is the Web site of the Mountain Institute, a non-profit scientific and educational organization committed to the preservation of mountain environments and advancement of mountain cultures. Learn about their many projects, including Dr. Reinhard's discoveries.

Plants and the Iceman
James Holms Dickson tells the story of the Iceman's last journey using his analysis of the mosses and flora found on and around the body. Dr. Dickson is a Reader in Botany.

CNN Online announces the discovery of Juanita, the 500-year-old ice mummy of a sacrificed girl; illustrated with photographs and Quicktime video.

Ice Treasures of the Inca
Walk through National Geographic's beautifully-designed interactive expedition with Johan Reinhard, who recounts his discoveries with text, audio and pictures.

Read how this company rose to the challenges of preserving Juanita by designing a custom-made refrigeration unit.

Anten, Ferdinand, Ancient Peruvian Textiles. London: Thames and Hudson, 1984.

Barnes, Michael, Robin Brightwell, Adriana Von Hagen, Mark Lehner, and Cynthia Page, Secrets of Lost Empires. London: BBC Books, 1996.

Bingham, Hiram, Lost City of the Incas. New York: Antheneum, 1969.

Devel, Leo, Conquistadors Without Swords: Archaeologists in the Americas. London: Macmillan, 1967.

McIntyre, Loren, The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land. National Geographic Society, 1975.

Moseley, Michael E., The Incas and Their Ancestors: The Archaeology of Peru. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.

Moser, H., Platzer, W. Seidler H. and Spindler, K., Human Mummies: A Global Survey of their Status and the Techniques of Conservation. New York: Springer, 1996.

Prescott, William H., The Conquest of Peru. New York: Mentor Books, 1961.

Reinhard, Johan, "High-Altitude Archaeology and Andean Mountain Gods," The American Alpine Journal, 1983.

Reinhard, Johan, "Peru's Ice Maidens, Unwrapping the Secrets", National Geographic Magazine, June 1996, pp 62-81.

Schobinger, Juan, "Sacrifices of the High Andes," Natural History, April 1991.

Spindler, Konrad, The man in the ice : the discovery of a 5,000-year-old body reveals the secrets of the Stone Age. Toronto : Doubleday Canada, 1994.

Children's Books
Getz, David, Frozen Girl. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1998.
Author David Getz and illustrator Peter McCarthy present the story of Reinhard's discovery of Juanita, the Inca Ice Maiden.

Johan, Reinhard, Discovering the Inca Ice Maiden: My Adventures on Ampato. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 1998.
Dr. Reinhard guides young readers step by step through his adventures and illustrates the tale with his own photography.

Lauren Aguirre, Senior Producer
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Kim Ducharme, Designer
Karen Hartley, Hot Science Developer
Chris Kilmer, Production Technologist
Brenden Kootsey, Technologist
Rob Meyer, Production Assistant
Brad Puffer, Production Assistant
Sheri Lyn Rosenzweig, Intern
Annie Valva, Technical Director

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