
This archive of companion sites to NOVA broadcasts is no longer being updated. To see new content, go to NOVA's beta site.

Find by Interest Anthropology

Alien From Earth

Alien From Earth
Do the remains of a tiny hobbit-like creature found on the island of Flores belong to a new human species?

America's Stone Age Explorers

America's Stone Age Explorers
Who were the first Americans, and where did they come from?

Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land

Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land
Israel's remote Cave of Letters holds clues to a Jewish uprising against the Romans.

Ape Genius

Ape Genius
Experts zero in on what separates humans from our closest living relatives.

Boldest Hoax, The

Boldest Hoax, The
Who perpetrated Piltdown Man, the greatest scientific fraud of the 20th century?

Darwin's Darkest Hour

Darwin's Darkest Hour
A two-hour drama on the crisis that forced Darwin to publish his theory of evolution.

Family That Walks on All Fours

Family That Walks on All Fours
Experts explore the mysterious story of five siblings living in a remote Turkish village.

Great Escape

Great Escape
Experts dig into World War II's most daring and technically ingenious prison break.

Great Inca Rebellion, The

Great Inca Rebellion, The
Mass graves and forensic evidence reveal a complex truth about how the Inca Empire fell.

Ice Mummies

Ice Mummies
Archeologists from the Andes to the Alps and beyond learn about lost cultures from remarkably well-preserved human remains.

Japan's Secret Garden

Japan's Secret Garden
For at least 2,000 years, the wildlife and people living around Japan's Lake Biwa have lived in a harmonious balance.

Last Great Ape, The

Last Great Ape, The
An expedition into the Congo examines one of our closest living relatives, the peace-loving bonobo.

NOVA scienceNOW: Little People of Flores

NOVA scienceNOW: Little People of Flores
The remains of three-foot-tall humans are discovered on a remote Indonesian island.

Lost City of Arabia

Lost City of Arabia
Helped by remote sensing, an expedition searches Oman's vast al-Khali desert for the lost city of Ubar.

Lost King of the Maya

Lost King of the Maya
Using ancient hieroglyphs and new excavations, archeologists investigate the rise and fall of the majestic city of Copan.

Lost Roman Treasure

Lost Roman Treasure
Experts rescue priceless mosaics from an ancient city about to vanish beneath a reservoir.

Lost Treasures of Tibet

Lost Treasures of Tibet
A crack restoration team tries to prevent priceless medieval Buddhist murals from crumbling into dust.

Lost Tribes of Israel

Lost Tribes of Israel
An anthropologist looks for the lost city of Africa's Lemba tribe, and investigates their claim to an ancient Jewish heritage.

NOVA scienceNOW: Mammoth Mystery

NOVA scienceNOW: Mammoth Mystery
A pair of mammoth skeletons is found locked together by their tusks. What happened?

Master of the Killer Ants

Master of the Killer Ants
The Mofu people of Cameroon rely on an unlikely ally—a driver ant—to protect their homes and crops.

Megabeasts' Sudden Death

Megabeasts' Sudden Death
Scientists propose a radical new idea of what killed off mammoths and other large animals at the end of the Ice Age.

Mummy Who Would be King, The

Mummy Who Would be King, The
Could a mummy exhibited for 140 years at an obscure museum in Niagara Falls be the remains of a long-lost Egyptian pharaoh?

Musical Minds

Musical Minds
Oliver Sacks explores how the power of music can make the brain come alive.

Mysteries of the Nile

Mysteries of the Nile
Explore ancient Egypt through a stunning series of interactive panoramic photographs.

Mysterious Mummies of China

Mysterious Mummies of China
Three-thousand-year-old mummies with long blond hair and blue eyes are unearthed in a remote Chinese desert.

Mystery of the First Americans

Mystery of the First Americans
The discovery of a 9,000-year-old skeleton embroils scientists in a debate over North America's first inhabitants.

Neanderthals on Trial

Neanderthals on Trial
Are Neanderthals our ancestors or an evolutionary dead end?

Perfect Corpse, The

Perfect Corpse, The
Forensic investigators tease secrets from the well-preserved bodies of people buried long ago in peat bogs.

Pocahontas Revealed

Pocahontas Revealed
Archeologists uncover the reality behind a great American myth.

Pyramids—The Inside Story

Pyramids—The Inside Story
Wander through the chambers and passageways of the Great Pyramid and learn about the pyramid builders.

Search for the Lost Cave People

Search for the Lost Cave People
Caves lining a rugged canyon deep in the Chiapas jungle hold clues to the little known Zoque people.

Secrets of Easter Island

Secrets of Easter Island
A team attempts to recreate the original islanders' success at moving and erecting giant moai statues.

Secrets of Lost Empires II: China Bridge

Secrets of Lost Empires II: China Bridge
Two teams working from opposite sides of a turbulent river attempt to build a 12th-century Chinese bridge.

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Easter Island

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Easter Island
How did the ancient Easter Islanders move and erect giant stone statues? Our team tests one theory.

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Medieval Siege

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Medieval Siege
Two teams set out to build precise replicas of a fearsome medieval weapon—the trebuchet.

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Pharaoh's Obelisk

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Pharaoh's Obelisk
Experts take on the challenge of raising a 40-ton obelisk without using modern technology.

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Roman Bath

Secrets of Lost Empires II: Roman Bath
NOVA sets out to create a working Roman bath, complete with hot tubs and underfloor heating.

Sultan's Lost Treasure

Sultan's Lost Treasure
Archeologists salvage more than 12,000 pieces of Chinese porcelain from an ancient shipwreck.

Treasures of the Sunken City

Treasures of the Sunken City
Divers search the seafloor for one of the seven wonders of the ancient world: the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Vikings, The

Vikings, The
Recent discoveries paint a complex portrait of the Vikings and their boat journeys to places as far-flung as Istanbul.

Warriors of the Amazon

Warriors of the Amazon
Explore the unique culture of the Yanomami, an isolated tribe living deep in the Amazonian rainforest.


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