Fighting Back
AIDS researchers continue to make progress in battling HIV, addressing the fight with a variety of new
and promising approaches...but this NOVA Hot Science isn't about the fight against the AIDS virus.
Fighting Back instead takes a look at the battlefield where the fight takes place, putting you
into the world of the immune system.
A mumps virus enters the body, then enters a cell. There it makes copies of itself. How does the immune
system respond? It's up to you to figure it out. A play-by-play explanation will follow, as well as an
explanation of what makes an attack by the AIDS virus unique...and devastating.
The Windows downloads are self-extracting ZIP archives: double-click the .exe file (fbzip9.exe or fbzip3.exe) to extract the Fighting Back mini-application
(fightb95.exe or fightb31.exe), then run the mini-application.