My Dad Discovered Pluto

  • By Alden Tombaugh
  • Posted 01.01.10
  • NOVA

The date February 18, 1930 probably doesn't stand out particularly in your mind, but it certainly does in mine. For that's the day my father, Clyde Tombaugh, a farmboy-turned-astronomer, discovered Pluto, becoming the first American to find a planet. In this slide show of old family photos, follow the trajectory of my father's remarkable career, which, in its way, began and ended at Pluto.

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How did Clyde Tombaugh go from baling hay to finding Pluto? See family photos and hear his son Alden reflect.



Courtesy Alden Tombaugh

Related Links

  • The Pluto Files

    Take a cross-country journey with Neil deGrasse Tyson to explore the rise and fall of America's favorite planet.

  • In Defense of Pluto

    Alan Stern, head of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, stands up for the little guy.

  • Notes From the Pluto Files

    Neil deGrasse Tyson describes what it was like to meet Clyde Tombaugh's family and other people passionate about Pluto.

  • What's Your Favorite Planet?

    Listen in as 11 planetary scientists make pitches for the "best" planet, then vote yourself.


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