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Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina

Our January 2005 segment on New Orleans' risk from hurricanes proved sadly prescient, as this update reveals.

January 2005 Story

See our original story on New Orleans' vulnerability to hurricanes.

Wetland Destruction

Visit the damaged marshlands south of New Orleans with correspondent Peter Standring.

The Levees

In these "aerial" animations, swoop down on New Orleans to see where and how each of the breached flood walls failed.

Producer's Story

Producer Peter Doyle offers a sobering firsthand account of his visit to the New Orleans region shortly after the storm.


In this September 7th letter, Louisiana-based hurricane expert Ivor Van Heerden shares his agonized response to the disaster he'd long predicted.

Ask the Expert

Research meteorologist Marshall Shepherd answers viewer questions about hurricanes and the ongoing threat to New Orleans.