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July 24, 2007: Links & Books



Mark Siddall's Leech Lab
Mark Siddall's page at the American Museum of Natural History provides information about his research and expeditions, including photos and daily logs.

Fact Sheet: Leeches
This fact page from The Australian Museum offers a detailed overview of leech life, from biology to habitat and feeding habits.

Biopharm Leeches
Roy Sawyer's commercial leech farm supplies many of the world's hospital leeches.

PBS: The Shape of Life: Annelids
Earthworms and leeches belong to the annelid family, which is described on this companion page to the PBS program "The Shape of Life."

PBS: Bloody Suckers
This page for the NATURE program "Bloody Suckers" offers lesson plans for teachers, video of other blood-loving creatures, and more.


Leech Biology and Behaviour
by Roy Sawyer. Clarendon Press, Vol. 1-3, 1986.

Neurobiology of the Leech
edited by Kenneth Muller, John Nicholls, and Gunther Stent. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1981.


"Nature's Microsurgeon"
Deccan Herald, July 8, 2008.

by John Colapinto. The New Yorker, July 25, 2005.

"The Little Suckers Have Made a Comeback—Leeches"
by Richard Conniff. Discover Magazine, August, 1987.

"In Search of the Giant Amazon Leech"
by Roy Sawyer. Natural History Magazine, December, 1990.

The Search for ET


SETI Institute
Hosted by the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in California, this site offers robust information about SETI and the Allen Telescope Array, recent news, and a calendar of the institute's upcoming events.

NASA: Astrobiology
Find out more about NASA's search for other life in the universe, ask an astrobiologist your questions, learn about current research missions, and search through a helpful glossary.

This SETI project aims to connect Internet users worldwide, forming a virtual supercomputer to crunch radio signal data in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Find out how to participate at this site from the University of California, Berkeley.

PBS: Life Beyond Earth
On this companion site to the PBS program "Life Beyond Earth," try the Drake Equation for yourself to see the odds of finding intelligent life in our universe, listen to the messages some scientists would like to send ET, and more.

PBS: The Quest for Life
On this site for the PBS program "Exploring Space: The Quest for Life," find out what meteorites tell us about the formation of life, check out an interactive feature detailing the life of an astronaut in space, and read articles on the place that values and faith have in the search for extraterrestrial life.

NOVA: Origins
This NOVA site offers a list of links and books for further research, a time line chronicling the life of our universe from the Big Bang to 10100 years from now, and more.


Confessions of an Alien Hunter: A Scientist's Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
by Seth Shostak. National Geographic, March 2009.

Contact With Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials
by Michael Michaud. Springer, 2007.

Life Everywhere: The Maverick Science of Astrobiology
by David Darling. Basic Books, 2001.

Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life
by Seth Shostak. Berkeley Hills Books, 1998.

Extraterrestrials: Where Are They?
edited by Ben Zuckerman and Michael Hart. University of Cambridge, 1995.


"ET Call Earth, Please. The Hunt for Life Beyond the Stars Resumes"
by Stephen Cauchi. The Age, October 21, 2007.

"The Cosmic Haystack Is Large"
by Jill Tarter. Skeptical Inquirer, May 2006.

"Calling ET"
by Joseph Lazio. Scientific American, December 9, 2002.

Stem Cells Breakthrough


HHMI Online Companion
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute provides an extensive collection of resources on stem cells in its online companion to this segment of NOVA scienceNOW.
More on HHMI and its partnership with NOVA

National Institutes of Health: Stem Cells
The National Institutes of Health provides a comprehensive online resource on the science and ethics of stem cells, including large sections on scientific research and U.S. policy.

International Society for Stem Cell Research
Review this introductory fact sheet of stem cell information to bone up on the origin of stem cells, current and potential uses, and more.

Medline Plus: Sickle Cell Anemia
Learn more about sickle-cell anemia, a hereditary disease involving abnormal red blood cells.

Laboratory Homepage of George Daley
George Daley's lab at Children's Hospital Boston offers a look at his research and information about bioethics and current U.S. policy regarding biomedical research.

Whitehead Institute Podcasts
This offering from the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research provides a related news archive and a podcast page.

The Niche: Stem Cell Blog
Hosted by Nature Report Stem Cells, this blog site provides users with a forum to discuss stem cell ethics, policy, and more.

PBS's NewsHour With Jim Lehrer: Stem Cell Research
The companion Web site to the PBS television series NewsHour offers current news on stem cell research through interviews, articles, panel discussion transcripts, and video clips.

NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells
Watch a NOVA scienceNOW segment on stem cells from 2005, learn about the creation of embryonic stem cells, and read a dispatch describing policies at the time.

NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells Update
Watch the NOVA scienceNOW segment from 2006, an update to the 2005 story.


Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate: The Scientific, Religious, Ethical and Political Issues
by Kristen Monroe, Ronald Miller and Jerome Tobis. University of California Press, 2008.

Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine
by the National Research Council. National Academies Press, 2002.

Human Cloning and Human Dignity: The Report of the President's Council on Bioethics
foreword by Leon Kass. Public Affairs, 2002.

Sickle Cell Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Mangagement
edited by Vipul Mankad and R. Blaine Moore. Praeger, 1992.


Visit NOVA scienceNOW's stem cell news update page:

"Now We Have the Technology That Can Make a Cloned Child"
by Steve Connor. The Independent, April 14, 2008.

"Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells to Pluripotency With Defined Factors"
by In-Hyun park, Rui Zhao et al. Nature, January 10, 2008.

"A New Year and a New Era"
by Martin Pera. Nature, January 10, 2008.

"Stem Cells: A National Project"
by David Cyranoski. Nature, January 17, 2008.

"Is Therapeutic Cloning Dead?"
by Jose Cibelli. Science, December 21, 2007.

"Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia Mouse Model with iPS Cells Generated from Autologous Skin"
by Jacob Hanna et al. Science, December 21, 2007.

"Field Leaps Forward With New Stem Cell Advances"
by Gretchen Vogeland and Constance Holden. Science, November 23, 2007.

Profile: Edith Widder


Ocean Explorer: Edie Widder
Learn about Widder's life and work through video profiles, a career time line, and a list of related resources provided at this site from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Ocean Research and Conservation Association
ORCA is a nonprofit organization for marine conservation cofounded by Widder in 2005. Learn more at this Web site.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Read about Widder's Eye-in-the-Sky deep-sea camera here.

Underwater Astonishments

Ocean explorer David Gallo shows footage of deep-sea bioluminescence in action to a live crowd in this video provided by the Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) organization.

Bioluminescence Web Page
View photos of bioluminescent creatures, learn the chemistry of the light they produce, and separate fact from myth at this site from the Biological Sciences department at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Glow With the Flow
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography offers this online article examining the cellular dynamics of bioluminescence. This site features video footage and a photo slide show.

Sea Grant: Marine Careers
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Sea Grant College program offers detailed information about marine careers, from profiles of featured marine biologists to salary information and frequently asked questions.


Bioluminescence: Chemical Principles and Methods
by Osamu Shimomura. World Scientific, 2006.

Aglow in the Dark: The Revolutionary Science of Biofluorescence
by Vincent Pieribone and David Gruber. Belknap Press, 2005.


"Marine Bioluminescence: Why Do So Many Animals in the Open Ocean Emit Light?"
by Edith Widder. Bioscience Explained, 2001.

"A More Candid Underwater Camera"
by Jonathan Gromer. Popular Mechanics, May 2006.

"Marine Biology: Lights in the Deep"
by Mark Schrope. Nature, November 21, 2007.

"Saving the Oceans, Orca Style"
by Sandra Rawls. Vero Beach Magazine, January, 2008.


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