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The Search for ET

The Search for ET

Astronomers have their radio telescopes tuned to receive signals from alien worlds. But is anybody out there?

arrow Do Aliens Exist in the Milky Way?

Explore the arguments in our interactive poll, then cast your vote.

arrow [0305-02 feature title to come]

Try your hand at calculating how many intelligent, communicating civilizations might be in our galaxy.

arrow Ask the Expert

Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute and perhaps the funniest man in astrobiology, tackles your questions.

arrow Cosmic Perspective

What would aliens conclude about intelligent life on our planet if they picked up our broadcast signals?

arrow Video Extra

Find out how you can help SETI from the comfort of your own home.

arrow Eavesdropping on ET

Seth Shostak holds out hope that we will one day receive a signal from afar.