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Personal DNA Testing

Personal DNA Testing

Genetic testing to assess risk factors for a handful of serious illnesses is now commercially available. But is it a good idea?

arrow Four Tests

Would you want to know more about your own DNA? See what four types of genetic testing can reveal.

arrow Ask the Expert

Harvard geneticist Rudy Tanzi answers your questions on detecting heritable diseases, how genetic tests work, and more.

arrow Cosmic Perspective

Neil deGrasse Tyson muses about how scientists approach uncertainty and bad news.

arrow Personal Genome Project

In this 2008 short video, learn why George Church of Harvard Medical School hopes to recruit 100,000 people and sequence all of their DNA. See the longer, updated story here.

Video Extra

See how to isolate your DNA in four easy steps right in your kitchen!

arrow Kitchen DNA

Want to see your own DNA? Here's a printable recipe.

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