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Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
This is the official site of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, with current updates on recovery plans, sanctuary staff and resources, and other useful information.

The Mariner's Museum
The Mariner's Museum Web site features a section devoted to the Monitor. At the "Monitor Center," you can find detailed information on short histories of the Monitor's battles, daily logs on recent expeditions, teaching resources, and suggestions for further reading.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program
This site describes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Sanctuary Program. It includes links to information about the Monitor and the 12 other sanctuaries in this system of underwater preserves.

Friends of the Hunley
Bestselling author Clive Cussler, who established the National Underwater Marine Agency in 1979, sponsored a group of marine archeologists to search for the lost Civil War-era sub Hunley. They finally found her in 1995 and raised her in summer 2000. The Hunley Web site chronicles their discovery mission and provides a history of the Hunley, the first sub to sink a ship in battle.

National Underwater Marine Agency
NUMA is Clive Cussler's non-profit organization dedicated to preserving U.S. marine heritage through the discovery and conservation of shipwreck artifacts. This site keeps track of the agency's expeditions and shipwreck discovery information in general.

U.S. Navy Submarine Warfare Division
This Web site has information on the history of subs, the subs that are active in service today, and predictions for what the sub force of the future might be like.

All Hands
All Hands is the magazine of the U.S. Navy. The April 1999 edition on Navy subs has articles on the nitty gritty of Navy submarine operation today. If you want to know about things like deep submergence rescue vehicles and ballistic missile subs, this is the site for you.

United States Submarine Veterans
The U.S. Submarine Veterans organization maintains a Web site full of photographs of subs both historic and contemporary, sub trivia, sound recordings of submarine life in the ocean depths, and submariner chat rooms.

Scenes from the USS Monitor, 1862
This page from the Web site of Dr. David Mindell, an M.I.T. professor and author of War, Technology, and Experience Aboard the USS Monitor (see Books), displays historic photographs of the Monitor and individuals associated with it.

Aboard the USS Monitor: 1862: The Letters of Acting Paymaster William Frederick Keeler, U.S. Navy To His Wife Anna. Edited by Robert W. Daly. Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institute, 1964.
Keeler's letters to his wife Anna read like he somehow knew ahead of time that history would be made during his term on the Monitor. They're detailed, heartfelt, immediate. For a taste of them, see Eyewitness to the Battle.

War, Technology, and Experience Aboard the USS Monitor. By David A. Mindell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
"Usually we read about the Monitor as the story of a heroic inventor and a revolutionary new warship," writes David Mindell in the preface to this revisionist view of the Monitor tale. "I expand that story to include patrons, contractors, constructors, rivals, users, public imagery, and literary expressions." Fans of the history of technology will appreciate Mindell's well-written examination of how the Monitor story became legend.

The Life of John Ericsson. By William Conant Church. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1891.
A detailed biography of the gifted Scottish inventor of the Monitor. Well illustrated with plans and cross-sections of Ericcson's many inventions, including a solar-powered engine he developed later in life.

Special Thanks
Mike Burz
Matt Harter
Mark Hewitt
Jeff Johnston
David Mindell
Colan Ratliff
D.J. Roller
Andrew Shein
Sean Wagstaff
Jonathan Wickham

Lauren Aguirre, Executive Editor
David Colarusso, Intern
Maureen Dolan, Editorial Assistant
Molly Frey, Technologist
Rick Groleau, Managing Editor
Brenden Kootsey, Technologist
Lexi Krock, Editorial Assistant
Lingi Liu, Assistant Designer
David May, Intern
Peter Tyson, Editor in Chief
Anya Vinokour, Senior Designer

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