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Leopards of the Night
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Big Cats On-Line
This is an in-depth site that covers the evolution, behavior, and conservation of the world's wild cat species.

Catfolk Species Accounts: Leopard
This page from The World Conservation Union site documents leopard ecology, habitat, and distribution as well as population and protective status.

Cats! Wild to Mild
Learn about cat mythology, biology, behavior, and conservation, and check out the Sound Effects page, where you will find audio clips of cats, including a leopard's growl. Teacher curriculum included in the site.

Feline Species
Read brief descriptions and enjoy photographs of many of the 20 subspecies of leopard and other cat species.

Africam is a virtual game preserve. Live images are captured at two waterholes in the Djuma Game Reserve in Africa. Since this is real time, you may see a lion hunting, leopards passing by, or even elephants pausing by the waterhole. Don't miss past camera highlights and the ranger's diary.

The National Zoo
The Web site of the National Zoo offers live webcams, information on their ongoing research and exhibits, stunning images of their animals, and an enhanced photo library.

Wild Cats of the World by David Alderton and Bruce Tanner (Photographer). Facts on File, 1993.
This book describes the evolution, distribution, and status of cats from Africa to the Americas, and offers information of each of the species.

The African Leopard: Ecology and Behavior of a Solitary FelidĘby Theodore Bailey. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
Based on two years of intensive field study, this is a detailed exploration of the African leopard. Bailey examines leopard population characteristics, activity and habitat use patterns, movements, feeding ecology, and social organization, and provides new information on leopard mortality, scavenging, and relationships to other large predators and to humans.

The Behavior Guide to African Mammals by Richard Estes. University of California, Berkeley, 1991.
This thorough, well-illustrated guide includes hoofed mammals, carnivores, and primates.

Leopards (Endangered) by Amanda Harman. Benchmark Books, 1996.
Learn how leopards live and what is being done to keep them from disappearing in the wild.

The Encyclopedia of Mammals edited by David Macdonald. Facts on File, 1985.
A useful reference source that contains everything you always wanted to know about mammals, including leopards, of course.

Special Thanks
Amanda Barrett and Owen Newman, producers, Leopards of the Night
Susan Biggs, National Zoo
Dr. James L. Castner, Rainforest Ventures
Charlie Pierce, L.T.C. Training Center
Joe Schaechter, L.T.C. Training Center

Lauren Aguirre, Senior Producer
Kim Ducharme, Designer
Karen Hartley, Hot Science Developer
Brenden Kootsey, Technologist
Rob Meyer, Production Assistant
Sheri Lyn Rosenzweig, Intern
Peter Tyson, Producer

Night Vision | Camera that Caught a Leopard
Behind the Scenes | Seeing through Camouflage
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