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Cancer Warrior
Watch The Program
This hour-long program is divided into eight chapters. Choose any chapter below and select QuickTime or Real Video to begin viewing. If you experience difficulty viewing, it may be due to high demand. We regret this, and suggest you try back at another time. Due to rights restrictions this program is not available for downloading.

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Chapter 1
The Experimental Drug

Folkman's lifelong quest
Phase 1 clinical trial

running time 07:15

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 2
Starving Cancer

disadvantages of chemotherapy
a revolutionary idea
angiogenesis - blood vessel growth
resistance to Folkman's ideas

running time 09:39

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 3
Angiogenesis in Action

turning theory into reality
capturing the mystery molecule
critics become competitors

running time 06:37

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 4
Preventing Angiogenesis

the search for inhibitors
an accidental discovery
an early inhibitor

running time 05:50

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 5
New Use for an Old Drug

the chick embryo experiment
in remission on thalidomide

running time 06:04

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 6
How Cancer Spreads

cancer cells on the move
dormancy & angiogenic inhibitors
primary tumor control

running time 06:30

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QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 7
Finding New Inhibitors

a mouse experiment
angiostatin & endostatin
a high point

running time 05:37

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Chapter 8
Clinical Trials

from mouse to man
early results
the future

running time 05:14

watch it in
QuickTime | RealVideo

Feedback | Technical Help | Program Credits | Program Update

Dr. Folkman Speaks | Cancer Caught on Video
Designing Clinical Trials | Accidental Discoveries | How Cancer Grows
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© | Updated March 2002
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