Hear From Bonnie Bassler

  • By Susan K. Lewis
  • Posted 01.01.07
  • NOVA scienceNOW

Princeton's Bonnie Bassler thinks about bacteria much differently than most of us. Listen in as she describes how humans have evolved to live with these microbes, how some bacteria "talk" before making us sick, and how controlling their conversations might lead to new drugs.

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The microbiologist and mother of quorum sensing talks about bacteria, good and bad.


Original interview produced by
Carla Denly


(Bonnie Bassler and V. harveyi [audio highlights image])
Courtesy Princeton University / Denise Applewhite
(lab worker and V. harveyi)
Courtesy Princeton University / Denise Applewhite
(Bassler and student)
Courtesy Princeton University / Denise Applewhite
(Bonnie Bassler)
Courtesy American Society for Microbiology
© sxc.hu/Sanja Gjenero
© iStockphoto.com/swalls
(dividing bacterium)
© David Scharf / Photo Researchers, Inc.
(Gorgonzola cheese)
© sxc.hu/Nathalie Dulex

Related Links

  • Profile: Bonnie Bassler

    Her insight into how bacteria "talk" has launched a revolution in biological and medical research.

  • Bacteria Talk

    Microbiologist Bonnie Bassler describes the 600 species of bacteria on your teeth, how they communicate, and more.

  • Killer Microbe

    A relatively benign bug becomes a highly lethal pathogen, known to U.S. soldiers as Iraqibacter.

  • Bonnie Bassler: Expert Q&A

    Bonnie Bassler answers questions about bacteria, pursuing a career in biology, and more.


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