Monster of the Milky Way

Watch the Program

This hour-long program is divided into seven chapters. Choose any chapter below and select QuickTime, RealVideo, or Windows Media Player to begin viewing. If you experience difficulty viewing, it may be due to high demand. We regret this and suggest you try back at another time.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 thumbnail

Early Clues

Astronomers detect something intensely strange going on at the very core of our galaxy.
running time 4:31

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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 thumbnail

Nature's Most Bizarre Creature

Even for leading physicists, what happens at the center of a black hole remains a mystery.
running time 6:56

watch chapter 2 in
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 thumbnail

Tracking the Monster

Does the Milky Way harbor a supermassive black hole? How big could it be?
running time 6:51

watch chapter 3 in
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4 thumbnail

Inside Black Holes

Physicists describe what it would be like to journey past the "event horizon" and into a black hole.
running time 6:24

watch chapter 4 in
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 thumbnail

Actors on the Galactic Stage

How did every big galaxy in the universe wind up with a black hole at its center?
running time 10:09

watch chapter 5 in
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6 thumbnail

Our Very Own Monster

Two teams attempt to gauge our black hole's appetite for consuming more matter.
running time 7:06

watch chapter 6 in
Windows Media: hi | low

Chapter 7
Chapter 7 thumbnail

Fate of the Milky Way

What would it take for the monster of the Milky Way to come out of retirement?
running time 6:20

watch chapter 7 in
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© | Created November 2006