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October 3, 2006: Links & Books



Near-Earth Object Program
NASA's Near Earth Object Program detects, tracks, and analyzes large asteroids and comets that might be on a collision course with Earth. On its Web site, find recent close approaches, view asteroid orbit diagrams, see impact risk assessments, and more.

European Asteroid Research Node
This European research group maintains a vast archive on the physical properties of near-Earth asteroids.

Asteroids Dynamic Site
The University of Pisa, Italy offers a comprehensive monthly catalog of known asteroids and other large orbital objects as well as links to several major observatories.

Earth Impact Effects Program
This unusual Web site from the University of Arizona provides an easy way for visitors to calculate the environmental effects of an asteroid striking Earth. Plug in a few size and impact parameters, and find the total damage inflicted with the click of a button.

Spaceclass: Apophis
This Web site from the Space Foundation offers interactive lessons and virtual labs on asteroid formation, the physics of asteroid trajectory, and more. Teachers can also download fun problem-solving activities for use in the classroom.

The Astronomical League
Looking for asteroids in your free time? The Astronomical League's Web site offers a wealth of resources for amateur astronomers, including a club for those interested in finding and observing asteroids.


The Asteroid Ephemeris 1900 to 2050: Including Chiron and the Black Moon Lilith
by Neil F. Michelsen and Rique Pottenger. ACS Publications, 1999.

Asteroids: A History
by Curtis Peebles. HarperCollins, 2001.

Rain of Iron and Ice
by John S. Lewis. Perseus Books Group, 1996.


"Object Bigger Than Pluto Discovered, Called 10th Planet"
by Robert Roy Britt., July 29, 2005.

"Big New Asteroid Has Slim Chance of Hitting Earth"
by David Chandler. New Scientist Online, May 2, 2006.

"Asteroid Risk to Earth Lowered, Scientists Say"
by Alan Boyle. MSNBC, May 18, 2006.

Island of Stability


Glenn Seaborg: His Life and Contributions
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory offers a tribute page to the life of Glenn Seaborg. Read a short biography, view comments from other scientists about Seaborg's influence on their work, and more.

Glenn T. Seaborg: Nobel Lecture
Download a .pdf file of Glenn Seaborg's original Nobel lecture from 1951.

A Brief History of the Development of the Periodic Table
On this Web site from Western Oregon University, find a short history of the periodic table from its first publication in 1862 to the present day.

Chemistry and Materials Science
Learn about cutting-edge research in nuclear science on this Web site from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Interviews: Glenn Seaborg
The companion site to the Frontline program "Nuclear Reaction: Why do Americans Fear Nuclear Power?" features an interview with Glenn Seaborg on his work in the early days of nuclear chemistry.


Modern Nuclear Chemistry
by Walter D. Loveland, David Morrissey, and Glenn T. Seaborg. Wiley-Interscience, 2001.

The Chain Reaction: Pioneers of Nuclear Science
by Karen Fox. Franklin Watts, 1998.

Redirecting Science: Niels Bohr, Philanthropy, and the Rise of Nuclear Physics
by Finn Aaserud. Cambridge University Press, 2003.


"In Search of the Island of Stability"
by Richard Van Noorden. Nature, August 21, 2006.



HHMI Online Companion
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute offers detailed information on the study of obesity. Read articles on new research, watch videos of lectures presented by HHMI investigators, and much more.
More on HHMI and its partnership with NOVA

Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
On the homepage of Jeffrey Friedman's laboratory, find information on his latest work with the hormone leptin and its role in the genetic basis of obesity in humans.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information provides a lengthy information sheet on leptin, including its genetic structure and linkage to obesity-related traits.

World Health Organization: Obesity
On this Web site from the World Health Organization, find the latest activities, reports, and events surrounding global obesity issues.

Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity
The Rudd Center at Yale University researches global diet, nutrition, obesity, and weight stigma. Read about the latest topics in these fields on its Web site.


The Hungry Gene: The Science of Fat and the Future of Thin
by Ellen Ruppel Shell. Atlantic Books, 2002.

Eating Disorders and Obesity, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Handbook
by Christopher G. Fairburn and Kelly D. Brownell. The Guilford Press, 2002.

Fat: Fighting the Obesity Epidemic
by Robert Pool. Oxford University Press, 2001.


"Positional Cloning of the Mouse Obese Gene and its Human Homologue."
by Yiying Zhang et al. Nature, December 1, 2002.

"That Wild Streak? Maybe It Runs in the Family"
by Amy Harmon. The New York Times, June 15, 2006

Profile: Karl Iagnemma


Karl Iagnemma: On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction
On Karl Iagnemma's personal Web site, find information on his newest book of short stories, read reviews of his writing, and more.

Field and Space Robotics Laboratory
On this Web site, learn about Iagnemma and his colleagues at MIT, view summaries of their latest robotics projects, and see photographs from MIT robotics labs.

The Robotics Alliance Project
NASA's Robotics Alliance Project Web site provides a hub for robotics education and career resources. Find information on building your own robot, join robotics competitions, and more.

Robotics: Sensing, Thinking, Acting
This online exhibit, developed by the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, PA, focuses on the world of intelligent machines. Control your own remotely operated vehicle, see robot art, and hear how scientists, artists, and others view the role of robots in our lives.

Kiss Institute for Practical Robotics
KIPR seeks to improve learning skills through robotics. On its Web site, learn about institute classes in robotics for any age; participate in Botball, a game that gives students hands-on experience in designing, building, and programming robots; and more.


On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction
by Karl Iagnemma. Dial Press Trade Paperback, 2004.

123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius
by Myke Predko. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 2004.

The Robot Builder's Bonanza: 99 Inexpensive Robotics Projects
by Gordon McComb. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 2000.


"Visual Wheel Sinkage Measurement for Mobile Robot Mobility Characterization,"
by C. Brooks, K. Iagnemma, and S. Dubowsky. Autonomous Robots Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 55-64, August, 2006.

"Hollywood Calls"
by Liz Karagianis. Spectrum, Spring 2005, Volume XVII, Number 2.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation, a cofunder of this site.