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Algae Fuel: Links & Books


Algaebase :: Listing the World's Algae
How much do you know about algae? At Algaebase, which is part website, part database, you can learn more about different species of algae.

Renewable Fuel Standard Program
It isn't feasible to fill up on pond scum fuel just yet, but the United States government currently requires that gasoline sold in the U.S. contain a minimum volume of renewable fuel. Learn more about the program at this website from the EPA.

National Biodiesel Board
Find information about biodiesel at this website from the national trade association that represents the biodiesel industry in the United States.


Handbook of Plant-Based Biofuels
by Ashok Pandey. CRC, 2008.

Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy
by Greg Pahl. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008.

Aquatic Photosynthesis
by Paul G. Falkowski and John A. Raven. Princeton University Press, 2007.

Renewable Energy
by Godfrey Boyle. Oxford University Press, 2004.


"NASA Aims for Future Fuel From Algae-Filled Bags of Sewage"
by Katie Howell. Scientific American, May 12, 2009.

"Algae Emerges as a Potential Fuel Source"
by The Associated Press. The New York Times, December 2, 2007.

"Biofuels: The New Alchemy"
by Bryan Walsh. Time.,28804,1872110_1872133_1872143,00.html

"Algae--Like a Breath Mint for Smokestacks"
by Mark Clayton. The Christian Science Monitor, January 11, 2006.


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