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Public Genomes: Links & Books


HHMI Online Companion
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute provides an extensive collection of resources on genetic testing in its online companion to this segment of NOVA scienceNOW.
More on HHMI and its partnership with NOVA

National Human Genome Research Institute
Check out fact sheets with information on genetic mapping, cloning, and more, or watch a video about the value of family history in preventative medicine.

Medline Plus: Genetic Testing
Investigate what genetic testing involves and make sense of scientific terms with a helpful glossary.

Human Genome Project Information
Learn the details of a 13-year international effort, completed in 2003, to identify tens of thousands of genes in human DNA.

Personal Genome Project
Find out what researchers at the Personal Genome Project are doing to make genome sequencing mainstream and affordable.

Genetic Privacy Bill
This Library of Congress site provides the full text of legislation H.R. 493, which prohibits employment and health-insurance discrimination on the basis of genetic information.

Steven Pinker on The Colbert Report
Watch Steven Pinker's appearance on The Colbert Report from February 11, 2009, in which he talks about his decision to put his genome on the Internet.

Big Think—Steven Pinker
Hear more from Steven Pinker at his website on Big Think.

Big Think—George Church
Hear more from George Church at his website on Big Think.


Genetic Testing: Care, Consent and Liability
by Neil Sharpe and Ronald Carter. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

Genetic Testing: Scientific Background and Nondiscrimination Legislation
by Michele Schoonmaker and Erin Dominique Williams. Novinka Books, 2006.

A Short Guide to the Human Genome
by Stewart Scherer. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2008.


"Getting Personal"
The Economist, April 16, 2009.

"My Genome, My Self"
by Steven Pinker, The New York Times, January 7, 2009.

Gene-Hunters Find Hope and Hurdles in Schizophrenia Studies
by Nicholas Wade. The New York Times, July 31, 2008.

"You 2.0: Closing the Genetic Gap"
by David Ewing Duncan. Wired Magazine, May 7, 2008.

"DNA Sequencing in a Snap: An Innovative Approach Could Target Hard-to-Sequence Areas"
by Emily Singer. Technology Review, May 19, 2008.

"Mapping the Human Genome"
by Grisolia Santiago. The Hastings Center Report, July 28, 2005.


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