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Profile: Maydianne Andrade: Links & Books


Andrade Lab
Didn't see enough creepy spider action during our segment? Check out Maydianne Andrade's lab website for a few more videos of the redback spider.

Redback Spiders
Australian redback spiders aren't particularly aggressive toward humans, but their toxic venom is still feared. Find more information about the species at this website from the Australian Museum Online.

International Society for Arachnology
Learn the taxonomic name of your favorite spider species and more at this website from the International Society for Arachnology.


Spiders: The Ultimate Predators
by Stephen Dalton. Firefly Books, 2008.

National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Insects and Spiders & Related Species of North America
by Arthur V. Evans. Sterling, 2007.

Firefly Encyclopedia of Insects and Spiders
by Christopher O'Toole. Firefly Books, 2002.


"This Can't Be Love"
by Carl Zimmer. The New York Times, September 5, 2006. Can't Be Love&st=cse

"Female Spiders Eat Small Males When They Mate"
ScienceDaily, September 11, 2008.

"Who's Dying for Sex?"
by Susan Milius. BNET, November 13, 1999.


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