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Saving Hubble

Saving Hubble

Astronauts prepare for the final mission to revive the ailing Space Telescope.

arrow How It Sees

Assemble the famous image of the Eagle Nebula from the telescope's raw data.

arrow Life of an Astronaut

In this video, veteran spacewalker Mike Massimino talks about the challenges of working in space.

arrow Hands on Hubble

Astronomer-astronaut John Grunsfeld explains in this podcast why fixing the Hubble is all about the gloves.

arrow Ask the Expert

The crew of the upcoming STS-125 Space Shuttle mission to repair the Hubble answers viewer questions.

arrow Cosmic Perspective

Neil Tyson describes the uproar in 2004 after NASA announced it had cut funding to repair the Hubble.

Video Extra

The Hubble is about the size and length of a school bus. But the similarities end there.