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Get the free QuickTime software

Get QuickTime Q: How do I get the free QuickTime software?

A: If you don't already have the QuickTime plug-in (a "plug-in" is a piece of software), you can download it, free of charge, from Apple Computer. It takes just a few minutes to download it onto your hard disk and install it. From then on, it will open automatically whenever you access QuickTime movies or QuickTime VRs (often shown as "QTVR"), wherever you are on the Web. QuickTime software is available for Windows 95/98/NT and for Macintosh.

Q: Is there a better/higher-bandwidth version of the QuickTime movie available?

A: The Life's Greatest Miracle chapters make use of QuickTime's auto bandwidth detection to allow the web server to send you the QuickTime video most appropriate for your internet connection speed. Check your QuickTime Settings control panel to see what connection speed your QuickTime software currently expects. Alternatively, see the Advanced Options page, where you can select individual higher- or lower-bitrate versions as you like. The files won't download any faster, but you will see a higher-quality version of the video. The Advanced Options page also has links to full-screen versions of the highest-quality clip.

Q: The video window opens and the Windows Media Player logo appears, but the video never plays. What is going on?

A: Your computer system is configured to try to play QuickTime files in Windows Media Player instead of in QuickTime. Windows Media Player will not be able to play the "Cracking the Code of Life" chapter QuickTime movie files. Reinstall QuickTime; we recommend downloading a fresh copy of the current version using the links above.

Q: Where can I find other QuickTime on the NOVA Web site?

A: See the list of full NOVA programs available online or the current list of all QuickTime available on the NOVA Web site on the full NOVA FAQ/Help page.

Get the free RealPlayer software
Get RealAudio plugin The RealMedia streaming file format allows you to listen to sound files or see video files over the net without having to wait for the whole file to download. You have to wait only a few seconds while a little bit of audio (or video) file information is "buffered" to account for lapses in network speed, and then the file begins to play, with no more waiting, even for a file of 45 minutes or more in length. RealAudio or RealVideo requires the RealPlayer plugin, available for free download from Real.

Q: How do I turn captions on or off in RealVideo?

A: All versions of the RealPlayer allow the user to turn captions on or off. Select the View menu, and choose "Preferences...". Select the Content tab, and click on the button labeled "Settings..." at the bottom of the window. A dialog box will pop up, and you can either check or uncheck "Use accessibility features when available".

To toggle the captions on and off in the browser version of the RealPlayer...
First stop the video (you must press the stop button, not the pause button on the player). Hold down the CONTROL key and then click and hold over the video. Choose Preferences... from the context menu. Choose the Content tab and click on the Settings... button at the bottom of the dialog box. Check the accessibility features checkbox and make sure the show captions radio button is depressed. Choose OK to close the accessibility settings dialog, then click OK to close the Preferences... dialog. To turn the captions off, stop the player, go back into Preferences... and uncheck the accessibility features box.

First stop the video (you must press the stop button, not the pause button on the player). Choose Preferences... from the context menu. Choose the Content tab and click on the Settings... button at the bottom of the dialog box. Check the accessibility features checkbox and make sure the show captions radio button is depressed. Choose OK to close the accessibility settings dialog, then click OK to close the Preferences... dialog. To turn the captions off, stop the player, go back into Preferences... and uncheck the accessibility features box.
Q: Where can I find other RealVideo on the NOVA Web site?

A: See the list of full NOVA programs available online or the current list of all RealVideo available on the NOVA Web site on the full NOVA FAQ/Help page.

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Great Expectations | How Cells Divide | How is Sex Determined?
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