Hear From the Real Iceman

  • By Peter Tyson
  • Posted 04.01.09
  • NOVA scienceNOW

Lonnie Thompson is a senior research scientist at Ohio State University's Byrd Polar Research Center and one of the world's foremost authorities on ancient climate. Here he talks about why today's accelerated melting of glaciers should concern us on fronts as divergent as drinking water and coastal living, climate change and infectious disease, refugees and terrorism.

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Lonnie Thompson discusses why we should care that glaciers are melting, why sea-level rise is only part of it, and more.


Original interview produced by
Dana Rae Warren


(Thompson at Qori Kalis glacier)
Courtesy Lonnie Thompson

Related Links

  • The Real Iceman

    In this interview, glaciologist Lonnie Thompson outlines just what we're losing with melting glaciers.

  • Profile: Lonnie Thompson

    A climatologist struggles to save ancient history preserved in ice that is rapidly melting.

  • Lonnie Thompson: Expert Q&A

    Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson answer questions about the runaway melting of glaciers and its implications.


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