Egypt's Astounding Mummies

  • By Susan K. Lewis
  • Posted 01.03.06
  • NOVA

In 1912, the British Egyptologist Grafton Elliot Smith published a catalogue called The Royal Mummies that documented the remains of many of ancient Egypt's most important pharaohs and members of their royal entourages. The catalogue's high-resolution, black and white portraits offer an intimate look at people who lived some 3,000 years ago as well as reveal masterful techniques of mummification. Here, see a sampling.

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See a collection of some of ancient Egypt's most remarkably preserved mummies.

This feature originally appeared on the site for the NOVA program The Mummy Who Would Be King.


G. Elliot Smith. Catalogue General Antiquites Egyptiennes du Musee du Caire: The Royal Mummies Le Caire: Imprimerie de L'institut Francais D'archeologie Orientale, 1912 Catalogue General Antiquites Egyptiennes du Musee du Caire DT57.C2 vol 59

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