The In Between

Premiered February 10, 2025
Directed by Robie Flores

Following her brother's death, a filmmaker returns home to reflect on fronterizo life in Texas.

About the Documentary

Following her brother's death, a filmmaker returns to Eagle Pass, the Texas bordertown where she grew up, to document the places that shaped their family. She finds a treasure trove of his own footage that brings him back to life, sparking a reflection on growing up Mexican American along the U.S.-Mexico border. She rediscovers the beautiful mysteries of their complex hometown.

The Filmmakers

Robie Flores

Robie Flores is a filmmaker and video editor drawn to telling stories that explore the nuances of her fronterizo and Mexican-American communities. Her project The In Between is a feature film about growing up on the U.S./Mexico border, which has received support from Ford Foundation, Field of Vision and ITVS among others.

Alejandro Flores

Alejandro Flores is a Mexican-American filmmaker producing his first documentary feature, The In Between, which received support from Just Films, Chicken & Egg, Field of Vision, Firelight Media, Points North and others. He also co-directed an episode of Bridge Builders, an Independent Lens Stories for Justice series on justice reform.

Kellen Quinn

Kellen Quinn is an Oscar-nominated producer whose credits include Garrett Bradley’s Time, Luke Lorentzen’s A Still Small Voice and Midnight Family, Noah Hutton’s In Silico, Daniel Hymanson’s So Late So Soon, and Viktor Jakovleski’s Brimstone & Glory. He runs the independent production company Hedgehog Films with Luke Lorentzen.

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