One Person, One Vote?

Premiered September 30, 2024
Directed by Maximina Juson

Unravel the complexities of the Electoral College through four 2020 presidential electors.

About the Documentary

At a time when many Americans question democratic institutions, One Person, One Vote? unveils the complexities of the Electoral College, the uniquely American and often misunderstood mechanism for electing a president. The documentary follows four presidential electors representing different parties in Colorado during the intense 2020 election.

The Filmmakers

Maximina Juson

Maximina Juson is an award-winning filmmaker and founder of HUMovies, a film production company in Los Angeles. Her debut feature film, One Person, One Vote? is a National Endowment for the Humanities grant recipient that world premiered at the Pan African Film Festival, taking home the Programmers’ Award for Best Documentary Feature.

Daresha Kyi

Producer Daresha Kyi directs narratives and documentaries in Spanish and English. Her films include: Battleground Georgia about voter suppression; Mama Bears about conservative Christian mothers accepting their LGBTQ+ children; Trans In America: Texas Strong which won two Webby Awards and an Emmy Award; and Chavela about iconic singer Chavela Vargas.

Christie Herring

Christie Herring is an award-winning director, producer, and editor. Directing includes ITVS-funded The Campaign about Prop 8 and the LGBTQ marriage struggle. Her producing and editing work has appeared on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and PBS and includes 23 Mile, The Big Scary “S” Word, CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap, Bias, and A Town Called Victoria.

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Learn More About the Documentary

Colorado 2020 Electors with CO Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, they are all wearing protective face masks and stand on the steps of the capitol in Denver.
Beyond the Films

America’s Electoral College: Six Surprising Facts About the Who and How