Children of Las Brisas

Premiered January 02, 2023
Directed by Marianela Maldonado

A Venezuelan youth orchestra tests the power of music amidst poverty and politics.

About the Documentary

In Venezuela, amidst a backdrop of poverty, murder, and corruption, the El Sistema youth orchestra offers children hope and the opportunity to pursue a life of art in spite of the harshness of the society around them. Yet the country’s spiraling collapse and political repression threatens the musicians’ dreams of a better life.

The Filmmakers

Marianela Maldonado

After graduating from the National Film & Television School in the U.K., Marianela wrote and directed fiction short films and was a screenwriter for animation and fiction projects, among them Peter and the Wolf and The Magic Piano. As a documentarian, she co-wrote Once Upon A Time in Venezuela and directed Children of Las Brisas.

Luc Martin-Gousset

Andy Glynne

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A close up of a young woman with light skin tone and dark hair playing the violin.
Beyond the Films

The Magic of Venezuelan Classical: From El Sistema and Beyond