
Premiered February 14, 2022
Directed by Todd Chandler

A provocative look at what it means to feel safe in an American classroom.

About the Documentary

What is the cost of feeling safe? In an era of mass shootings, lockdown drills and teacher firearms training are as much a part of life as homecoming dances and basketball practice. Take a provocative look at fear, violence, and what Americans will do to feel safe in schools.

The Filmmakers

Todd Chandler

Todd Chandler (Director/Producer) is a filmmaker, artist, and educator. His work explores American rituals, landscapes, and systems of power. He has exhibited widely at film festivals, museums, DIY spaces, and backyards, and has worked in schools and with community-based organizations to create videos about pressing contemporary issues. He teaches in the Film Department at Brooklyn College.

Danielle Varga

Independent producer Danielle Varga co-produced Kirsten Johnson’s award-winning Cameraperson, which premiered at Sundance and was shortlisted for an Oscar. She was a consulting producer on Charm City (Independent Lens) and archival producer on Matt Wolf’s Teenage. Her films have premiered on PBS, HBO, Netflix, and Amazon. She was a 2016-2017 Sundance Creative Producing Fellow.

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Learn More About the Documentary

Mini model of a classroom safety drill with figurines of a teacher and students leaving their classroom in a line.
Beyond the Films

What Americans Will Do to Feel Safe in Schools