Move Me

Premiered November 07, 2022
Directed by Kelsey Peterson and Daniel Klein

A dancer paralyzed with a spinal cord injury adapts to life with a disability.

About the Documentary

At 27, Kelsey Peterson dove into Lake Superior as a dancer and emerged paralyzed. But within the spinal cord injury (SCI) community, she found allies in her quest to discover who she is now and to dance with disability. When a cutting-edge trial surfaces, it tests her expectations of a possible cure. She finds herself both scared it might not work—and scared that it might.

The Filmmakers

Kelsey Peterson

Kelsey Peterson is a dancer, writer, and filmmaker. She currently serves as co-director with the interabled music and dance production, A Cripple’s Dance. As a filmmaker, she finds that her choreographic background lends to her storytelling, which she leans on in her documentary film, Move Me. She enjoys using art as a vehicle for change.

Daniel Klein

Daniel Klein is the founder of award-winning documentary series and production company, The Perennial Plate. He’s made doc shorts, tv series, and branded content around the world. Along with his wife, co-producer Mirra Fine, Daniel has created over 170 short films including the Emmy-nominated PBS series The Victory Garden’s Edible Feast.

Nico Frank

Nico Frank is a documentary editor based in Portland, Oregon. Through her exploration of various storytelling mediums, she was eventually drawn to the intuitive and sensitive nature of editing. Nico’s work has screened at SXSW, Full Frame, and AFI Docs. She loves telling personal stories that share a universal message.

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A young girl lit by a red light points to her smartphone screen, which has the TikTok logo on it.
Beyond the Films

More Than Just a Hashtag: Disability and TikTok

A woman using a wheelchair dances with her arms as she sits near the seaside.
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“I Want to Move, I Want to Embrace Change”: Kelsey Peterson’s Journey to Dance Again

A photo of a violinist with osteogenesis imperfecta holding her instrument. She wears a red flower in her hair and has a eyebrow ring.
Beyond the Films

“Everybody’s Voice Is Unique”: Disability in the Performing Arts