Test Yourself

A Hard “Try Harder!” Quiz: Are You Smarter than a High Schooler?

April 28, 2022 by Independent Lens in Test Your Knowledge
A scantron sheet from a standardized test with a yellow post-it stuck to it reading "Are you smarter than a high schooler?"

Out of all the facts and figures that you were ever tested on, how much did you actually retain? This quiz may prove “not much!” Test yourself on actual questions from recent sample or practice standardized tests for high school juniors. This is our way of asking: Are you smarter than the high schoolers in our documentary Try Harder!?

Questions were pulled from sample or practice tests by California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting), National Assessment of Educational Progress, SAT, Ohio Department of Education, and District of Columbia Assessment, at either proficient or advanced levels.

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