When we left Lindsey Nebeker and Dave Hamrick in Autism in Love, they were joyously embracing after becoming engaged under the oak trees of Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. We’re happy to report the pair officially joined hands in marriage back in October in Washington D.C. among a close group of family and friends. As you’ll learn in the update video below, planning and executing a wedding on the spectrum comes with its unique challenges, but Lindsey and Dave resourcefully prepared for the experience with the consideration and care all couples — neurotypical and autistic alike — should aspire to emulate.

Lindsey and Dave were generous enough to provide Independent Lens with a series of photos from their big day. Enjoy the moments of love captured below, and share with us your best wishes for the newlyweds as they embark on the next stage of their journey.

Lindsey Nebeker & Dave Hamrick — 25 October 2015